
IMG_2599Artist, foodie and hiker. I rely heavily on reviews when making purchases, so I started reviewing all of my cookbooks and other kitchen stuff (and a bit of outdoor equipment) in an effort to pay it forward. I love nothing more than cooking and talking about food 24/7, so I thought it would be a nice twofer. Reviewing keeps my non-foodie friends’ eyes from glazing over with whatever books I’m playing in that week, and might help someone else find a good fit. Nice.

There are so many cookbooks out there! Great news if you want to try them all, and I do! But the choices can be overwhelming if you don’t. How do you know which are right for you? I have my favorites for sure, but that’s definitely not the point. I hope to show you enough of each book that you’ll find the ones that you’ll adore and avoid those that would gather dust in your house.

Publishers, if you’d like to send me advance review copies of your cookbooks, please do! Email me at MajorWelch@gmail.com. If you’d like to give me permission to post a recipe or two so my readers can taste your book, even better! I usually try out three new recipes each day, so I’m always looking for new material to play in.

I have yet to figure out how to add a useful index or search feature for my blog. I’ve broken all my posts to date into two Pinterest boards:
1 – My personal recipes
2 – The cookbooks I review on my blog (with a recipe or recipes to try)
Or this is my account with all my boards on Pinterest. I’m afraid you’d be subjected to my daydreams. Rancho Guerrero, in which we buy property out in West Texas, where it looks like the setting for Bugs Bunny Cartoons. There we’d build our family vacation home and future retirement home. The hiking, sunsets, and night sky there are superb. We’d set up a rental home on the property. You can go hike or kayak down the Rio Grande or take a helicopter flight with Marcus, or you could chillax and play a little desert bocce, and sit around campfires. Then you can make your own food, or order smoked bbq dinners or decadent lazy brunches from Rancho Guerrero. It would even be introvert friendly with us delivering your feast to your picnic table by 4-wheeler like ghosts. LOL. Dreaming’s fun! 😀

I’m an Amazon affiliate, so every time you make a purchase on Amazon using a link on my blog, I get a very tiny percentage. That helps keep me in cookbooks! Thank you!