#MilkStreet @MilkStreet #177MilkStreet @177MilkStreet #CPKimball @CPKimball #Mediterranean #TNMEDBOOK @TNMEDBOOK

If you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you know that I love everything Milk Street does. Always phenomenal. If you’re already a Milk Street fan, you are going to love Milk Street Tuesday Nights Mediterranean. If you’re new to Milk Street, you’re in for a treat. They are absolute minimalists on everything but flavor. They’ll get you from the counter to the table in the easiest way possible. And they’re really strong flavorists.
I get a super lemony bundt cake on my birthday every year, and I like their Spaghetti with Lemon Pesto even better. It’s terrifically lemony. The lemons, almonds and cheese play beautifully together. It is absolute perfection. And Milk Street’s letting me share the recipe with you!
The recipe calls for 4 lemons, but only the zest is used, so make plans for that juice or use them to infuse water.
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