There are soooo many Ninja Creami books out there! You’ve heard people so frustrated because they bought a book and it looked SO official, the Ninja font and a bunch of stock photos that make that cover look like the real deal, yet their recipes aren’t even sniffing a creami! Some seem to think you can bake and blend in it, and the recipes seem to be just gathered from the internet or AI generated, rather than the work of the authors. You open them up to see no photos or black and white stock photos and random recipes for all sorts of appliances, but not the Ninja Creami! Or “recipes” filled with dial-a-premade protein shake and coordinating pudding mix. I wouldn’t buy a $200 appliance to make frozen pudding. It just tastes like pudding instead of ice cream. You’d just go make pudding if you wanted pudding. Add to that, fake Facebook accounts dropping sincere sounding reviews of their own book. I get why you’re bummed! And you don’t have to deal with that!
Continue reading “What’s the best Ninja Creami protein ice cream book?”Category: Appliance
Jen’s Protein Nice Creams 2: High-Protein (and a lot with high-produce!) Ice Cream in the Ninja Creami Deluxe

My copies are finally here!!! 30 flavors in each book – a whole ice cream shop in 40 pages! It’s all stripped-down content with no fluff. Hard for a blogger to shut up, but I very intentionally did, so they’re sized like fat comic books rather than hefty texts. Hope you love them, too!
Continue reading “Jen’s Protein Nice Creams 2: High-Protein (and a lot with high-produce!) Ice Cream in the Ninja Creami Deluxe”Jen’s Protein Nice Creams: Unofficial guide to high-protein ice creams in the Ninja Creami™ Deluxe
My daughter kept putting on and taking off a Ninja Creami from her wish list. I had to see what the fuss was about. I kept seeing post after post of what looked like the stuff gym-lovers’ dreams were made of, protein shakes in ice cream form. I didn’t have a Ninja Creami, but I did have a killer ice cream maker. Yeah, I make some amazing gelato and ice cream.
I pulled out my ice cream maker and tried a few recipes I found. Intriguing, but not great. My ice cream maker is the absolute best for gorgeously fatty concoctions, but an uneven hot mess for much lower fat and higher protein formulas. The mixtures would freeze hard like cement at the very outer edges and then it would want to stop turning to finish the center. I was having a hard time scraping it out of there and making a ridiculous mess of myself and the kitchen.
And the recipes I was finding weren’t thrilling me. Pudding’s great, but I don’t want my ice cream to taste like pudding. I want it to taste like ice cream!
Continue reading “Jen’s Protein Nice Creams: Unofficial guide to high-protein ice creams in the Ninja Creami™ Deluxe”Jen’s Nanny Goat Burger (beef) and meat grinding 101
My favorite burger is called the Nanny Goat at Rodeo Goat in Ft. Worth. Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, goat cheese, and a little garlicky herby mayo. Best burger ever! They serve them with sweet, hot bbq chips. If you find yourself in town, you should go!
Continue reading “Jen’s Nanny Goat Burger (beef) and meat grinding 101”